Maybe you have already tried to get the money you need, tried other less helpful lenders, lenders who are looking for reasons NOT to lend particularly to those businesses trading in the high-risk retail industry.
We talk to retail and store owners all the time, we understand your industry and most importantly we know what it takes to get you the money you want, even if you have been turned down by others, even if your credit is not as good as you would want, even if you have CCJ’s we can often get what others can’t!
I wanted to tell you about a new loan we have just finalised with our lending partners the Retail Flexi-loan, a loan designed to help business owners working in the retail industry.
This loan was designed after speaking to business owners who after taking out a traditional loan found themselves in difficulty, faced with the same fixed amount to pay back each month no matter how well their businesses performed, the same hefty monthly payment to make no matter what.
Which is all well and good when things are good, but when a business goes through a rough patch, then meeting those hefty monthly payments can be a struggle, something else to worry 😟about on top of everything else. If the last two years have taught us anything, business is unpredictable, right.
✔️ This loan is designed to meet that challenge.
So, if you take card and or online sales, or use a payment solution like Go-Cardless, ebay and take over 5K per month and need a quick injection of cash to help your cash flow or expand the business, recruit more staff, in fact, for anything, and you want a loan where the repayments adjust to the performance of the business, we can help.
Click the button below, complete the simple form, and I will call you back within 24hrs to finish your application and answer any questions you have.
Once you have done that, we will get you an offer in 24hrs (Mon-Fri); it’s that easy.
Act today👍 and in just a few days, less than a week, the money will be in your hands to use for what you want to move your business forward.
Remember no matter what your circumstances we can help where others can’t.
9/10 get offered a loan with us.
Our new Retail Flexi Loan service means you get fast, flexible funding, provided you take at least £5,000 per month in credit/debit card sales.
Repayments are flexible, as they are based on your card sales, meaning you only repay the
advance when your customers pay you. The application process only takes a couple of minutes and there are no hidden fees or APR, no security or business plans required.
✔️ 90% approval rate
✔️ Quick application process
✔️ No Security
✔️ No business plan required
✔️ No fixed terms or monthly payments
✔️ One all-inclusive cost
✔️ Get your funds in days
✔️ Sustain your cash flow
Repayments are a small percentage of your future card sales meaning you only repay when customers pay you.